Children’s Ministry
OVBC Kids is our very unique children’s ministry program. Our vision is to develop life-long seekers for the kingdom of God, which we hope to accomplish by coming alongside the family to support the discipleship that is already taking place at home. We believe God has given the primary responsibility of teaching children to the parents, and we desire to joyfully support and resource you through it all!
Our Sunday morning ministries, as well as weekly programs, are designed to lead children to the truth of our Savior. We understand that a predominant amount of child ministry programs tend to focus on “moralistic” teachings such as “If you follow the rules and be a good person, Jesus will smile at you”. At Orange Villa Bible Church (OVBC) we push back against this idea! We teach children the truth of the Gospel, how we are all sinners and how our awesome King Jesus died as a sacrifice to pay for those sins. We pray our children will experience the utter joy that comes from marveling at the grace and love of our Holy God.
Sunday Services
Nursery—for kids up to 3-years old
Our nursery is designed to keep your children safe, comfortable, and loved while you attend church service. It is fully equipped with age-appropriate toys and supplies to care for our infants and toddlers. Being in a church nursery is your child’s first encounter with what “church life” is like. We take this responsibility very seriously, and do our best to show God’s never-ending love to every child that walks through our doors. For older toddlers and pre-schoolers, we use a very simple curriculum entitled “A Sure Foundation.” There are 4 lessons that are rotated each month, so children hear the same stories and begin to remember and recall information. These 5-10 minute lessons teach children the simple principles of our Christian faith.
- “God Created the World” (Bible story: Story of creation from Genesis)
- “Jesus is Born” (Bible Story: Nativity story of Jesus being born in Bethlehem)
- “We Love Jesus”(Bible story: Wise Men journeying to Worship Jesus)
- “Jesus Loves Me” (Bible story: Jesus tells the children to come to Him)
When: Sundays
Time: 9:45am to 12:00pm
Where: Nursery
Kid’s Church—for kids from 4-12
We invite all children to spend the first part of the church service with the adults. By beginning to teach them what it is like to participate in corporate worship, we include them as members of our church body and prepare them for when they “graduate” from kid’s church. Our Pastor will then dismiss the children to go to their classrooms after “Pastors Prayer.”
Our program currently uses “Generations of Grace” curriculum, giving children an in-depth study of God’s Word. The basic principal of our lessons is that over the course of three years, your child will have journeyed through the entire Bible. Beginning in Genesis, the lessons continue through the Old and New Testaments to pull together the larger picture of God’s plan for redemption, salvation, and grace. Our Kid’s Church time also includes worship music, special prayer time, mini-lessons on missionaries, and Bible memorization.
Since our ministry is primarily focused on the family, we try to keep parents informed on what we studied and upcoming events with our Bi-monthly Newsletter. We believe true discipleship takes place at home, and we encourage parents (or guardians) to keep the learning going Monday-Saturday.
When: Sundays
Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm
Where: Sanctuary and Room 203
Weekday Programs
During the year we offer a variety of ministry program for kids of varying age groups to help them continue to grow in vision and knowledge of God and as importantly, in their desire and enjoyment of God’s grace and his love.
Ignite is our Friday After-School program for kid’s up to the sixth grade. Bring your kids for a great time in a safe environment where they can play games with friends and learn about God. Each day the kids participate in a variety of different games and activities and then we study about our King Jesus, and spend time in small groups praying to our Holy God. Every week we also take time to memorize bible verses, so we can truly keep God’s word hidden in our hearts.
When: Fridays from 3:00pm to 4:15pm
Age: Kindergarten – 6th Grade
The OVBC Vacation Bible School (VBS) is our week-long, fun-filled summer program where kids from all over our community are invited to come and connect with other kids and families from school and their neighborhoods, as well as make brand new friends. VBS is an outreach program meant to bring in children who may not normally attend church and to teach them the gospel.
Each year our VBS program takes on a new theme (see below for some past year examples) and for five days, kids are invited to learn about God’s word and who Jesus Christ is. Through interactive games and activities, kids learn what it means to live life to the glory of Christ. Each night of VBS builds upon the previous constantly reinforcing the message and promise of the Gospel.
Churches across the nation will attest to the power that VBS has in helping to bring kids to Christ. Families all around our community will tell you about the fun and positive impact that our VBS program has had in their kids’ lives. Most importantly, the kids will tell you about the life-long memories they have created, the new enduring friendships that have been made and the trust in Christ that has changed their hearts.
When: Usually in late June or early July
Time: Monday through Friday from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Age: Kindergarten thru 7th grade
For upcoming events in our Children’s Ministry program, please check out our Events Calendar.
For any questions or concerns, please call (714) 637-3250 or email
A Look at OVBC’s VBS

Dir. of Children’s Ministry Nicole Johnson
Sunday Service
When: 11:00am to 12:00pm
Where: Nursery (Room 204)
Kid’s Church
When: 11:00am to 12:00pm
Where: Room 202
Ignite – After school Program
When: Fridays from 3:00pm to 4:15pm
Where: Room 202
Age: Kindergarten – 6th Grade
Vacation Bible School
Date: TBD each summer
When: Monday through Friday from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Where: Main Sanctuary
Age: 6 to 13
See our Events Calendar to learn more.
Want to learn more? Email Nicole Johnson at