Chapter Ten: The Incarnate Wealth of the Compassion of God

The Mercies of Jesus Christ

…the Lord is compassionate and merciful.

James 5:11 (ESV)

“God did not create to get wealth; he created to display wealth–the wealth of his glory for the enjoyment of his people.”

“The universe exists primarily to display the wealth of the glory of the mercy of God for the enjoyment of his redeemed people from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.”

God’s glory is manifested in justice as He promises that all evil doers will one day face His wrath and judgment. Though justice may be elusive here on earth, God will call all into account. We cannot forget God’s desire for justice, yet He has also shown us the wealth of His glory by displaying mercy.

Time and time again Scripture confirms not only the goodness and faithfulness of God, but also His compassion and mercy. Our salvation from His wrath comes from His abundant mercy as found in Ephesians 2.

John Piper writes that, “The aim of the incarnation was to magnify the mercy of God for the enjoyment of the nations.” Let us today consider His great mercy towards us. Let us praise Him for the wealth of compassion directed toward those who do not deserve it.

Thank you Father for your great compassion, your tenderness towards me, and your great mercy that envelops me into your arms.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
– Hebrews 4:16 (ESV)

P.S. Please feel free to share your comments and questions.


2 replies
  1. Randy
    Randy says:

    Knowing that His mercies are new every morning, that every waking hour we are saved from His eternal wrath that we deserve, should overwhelm us with gratitude and humility.

    • Shaydon
      Shaydon says:

      Hi, I was wondering if this book (Nex) was iastuble for a 12 year old girl? (My daughter) I have every intention of reading a copy myself and therefore finding out for myself if it’s iastuble, but I’m still deep in another book. I’ve not found any kind of rating for any of your books, apologies if I’ve just not looked hard enough! Cheers.Tony


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