Loving One Another in Community
I love our Church! God is definitely working in our community, building friendships, restoring relationships, and encouraging Christ-like living. One of the most popular parts of our service is the […]
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But we are proud to say that Pastor Rob contributed 30 entries already.
I love our Church! God is definitely working in our community, building friendships, restoring relationships, and encouraging Christ-like living. One of the most popular parts of our service is the […]
How Can We Be Sure About Jesus? Who do you say Jesus was? How do we know that He was the Son of God? Over the years many people have […]
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ Christ is coming again! We do not know when, but He has promised He will as Luke records the words of Jesus, For as […]
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Indestructible; unable to be conquered, subdued, or overcome… these are the traits we love in our heroes, whether in comic books, movies, dreams, or sports. […]
The Severity of Jesus Christ No one ever spoke like this man!” John 7:46 (ESV) When one thinks of Jesus we usually think of his love, compassion, and tenderness to […]
The Mercies of Jesus Christ …the Lord is compassionate and merciful. James 5:11 (ESV) “God did not create to get wealth; he created to display wealth–the wealth of his glory […]
The Saving Sacrifice of Jesus Christ Have you ever wondered why God allows Satan and his demons to live? They deserve eternal punishment as Matthew writes that the eternal fire […]
The Anguish of Jesus Christ “No one has ever borne so much injustice with so little vengeance.” Take some time today and contemplate that sentence. Jesus, who knew no sin, […]
The Desecration of Jesus Christ There was a day when one’s reputation was all that they had. A deal between two people could be sealed with just a handshake.
The Wisdom of Jesus Christ When we think of wisdom our minds go straight to Solomon and Jesus. Solomon is known for his great wisdom that marveled the ancient world. […]