We should come to the realization that Jesus is more than just a good, moral teacher. He is the Sovereign LORD!


James encourages believers that are secure in their faith and living out their confession to reach out to those that professed a faith in Christ, but not living out their confession.


The power of prayer isn’t in our words or our actions, but in our trust in the goodness of God towards His children.


James encourages believers that are secure in their faith and living out their confession to reach out to those that professed a faith in Christ, but not living out their confession.


Pastoral Intern Dustin Saunders discusses how our Savior died in humiliation, reviled and hated by his own people and why we should be willing to do the same.


As the Jewish believers were waiting for justice, vindication, and peace James commands them to be patient until the Lord returns.


James turns his attention to wealthy non-Christians who are not condemn for wealth but its misuse for selfish purposes.


James warns the Jewish believers to be careful in presuming on the providence of God with arrogant boasting.


In today’s passage, James shifts from a call of repentance back to exhortation in behavior, in this case, prohibiting slander.


James reminds the Jewish believers that they are God’s treasured possession and that He is a jealous God who will not tolerate their flirtation with the world.
